By Jonily Zupancic

Making Mathineers

Transformational Math Experiences That Build Conceptual Thinking for Both the Teacher and the Student

 Are some people born with a math gene?

Math separates society. Math is just as polarizing as politics and religion. Schools continue to create the haves and have-nots of mathematics.

Teachers, what is your math story?
What is the math story of your students?

Each student has a unique math story and perspective that is often overlooked in math classrooms. Student math performance does not define math understanding. Math Ability and Number Sense are not the same and must be carefully identified separately for each student.

Why do students hate math?

Learning math is emotional for students. Teaching, facilitating and delivering math content creates emotions and attitudes for teachers and students – – Why?

Teachers must continue to refine their methods and techniques for providing rich math experiences that engage and motivate every student.

Making Mathineers is for math educators, school leaders and parents who desperately want to improve math understanding and achievement for themselves AND their learners.

Find out how to:

• Un-separate math society.
• Uncover the unique mathematical story and potential of each student.
• Unlock the joy of math teaching and learning!

Click this box to visit a site that I created to assist teachers in providing video lessons. The videos on this site are for Student audiences that teachers can ‘assign’ or watch with the students to facilitate lessons that Make Mathineers.

These videos are ‘ready to use’ math lessons for students that promote sense making, problem solving, thinking, reasoning, creating, inventing and discovering = all great qualities of Mathineers.

Educational Consultant, Coach, Speaker and Author

Jonily Zupancic

Jonily Zupancic, is an expert in mathematics instruction, assessment and intervention. She is a speaker, coach and consultant who helps schools and inspires teachers to enhance math instruction at the elementary, middle and high school levels targeting the diverse needs of all students so that teachers and students can become Mathineers!

Improvement systems focus on providing rich math experiences, high level delivery methods and differentiated classroom structures. Jonily lives in Ohio with her husband, Ryan, and two sons.

Jonily inspires learning!

She is an author, coach and speaker who helps educators and schools identify their focus, improve their thinking and inspire stakeholders so they can become unhackable, produce results, and lead the next generation into an amazing future.

Jonily is the founder of Minds On Math and lead facilitator of the Instructional Coaching Network. Her work has reimaged mindsets of educational leaders based on cognitive science and impacted the engagement and achievement of all students.